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Marco Moura Marques
Sep 10, 202319 min read
A baby on the way? Prepare the home to welcome him
«I'm pregnant!» This is one of the expressions commonly used to break the news to a parent of an unborn baby. But also: «You are going to...
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Marco Moura Marques
Aug 31, 20238 min read
Joys and anxieties of sharing an apartment (and life) with our faithful friend
Hmm... It's true that the title of this article may give rise to a second (and third) meaning about the topic addressed... But I clarify...
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Marco Moura Marques
Aug 7, 20235 min read
Caring for our feline friend in a moving house scenario
This is a subject that is often neglected in the countless to-do lists of those who move house: the care to be taken with the cat (or...
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