In Portugal, we are experiencing what, more or less consensual, is called the "housing crisis". Housing prices in Portugal have been rising successively and uninterruptedly for a decade, resisting strong shocks such as those felt in society during the years of the viral pandemic, as well as the recent abrupt rise in interest rates on housing mortgage loans contracts.
The weight of public housing in the total housing stock has never been so low. There have never been so many foreigners residing in Portugal. Demographic pressure on the main urban centers, along the entire Portuguese coast, has never been so strong. The countless properties belonging to the State are yet to be inventoried, classified, rehabilitated, and used effectively and efficiently. In the post-25th of April period (a new and democratic regime), the weight of housing costs (owned or rented) has never exceeded the limits of reasonableness as in the times in which we live.
In the last two years of the Government, which will soon officially cease its functions, legislative decisions were made regarding the housing market in Portugal. Most of these measures fall under the so-called “More Housing Program”.
We know today that these measures had varying degrees of impact on the housing market in Portugal and that not all of them achieved (or seem capable of achieving) the objectives they set out to achieve.
Hence, in the pre- and current campaign underway for the legislative elections on March 10th, the theme “Housing” gains special importance in the programs of the main political parties running for elections.

Without demeaning the other relevant themes of our society (Health, Education, Justice, Economy, etc.), we focus in this article on what the programs of the political parties with seats in the Parliament present in terms of a vision of the present and future for Housing in Portugal and, mainly, in relation to the measures proposed by each of them to resolve the current housing crisis during the next legislature.
This is not a critical discussion article about these programmatic contents, but rather aims to summarize the measures that we believe have the greatest impact on Housing in Portugal, in the current situation of our society. The aim is to inform and provoke the curiosity of each reader regarding the policies defended by those who represent us in the Parliament. But it also aims to take care of preparing and planning our/your actions and reactions – on a personal and professional level – in the face of the decisions that will come from whoever forms the Government in Portugal.
The sequence in which the main proposals of each party or coalition are presented follows their current representation, in descending order of number of deputies in the Portuguese Parliament.

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 69 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Decent housing for everyone
Housing as an essential good and fundamental part of the social state
Construction of a robust public park
Need for protection against market excesses
Fairer and more balanced regulatory framework for the housing market in Portugal

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]
DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE (coalition of three parties: PSD, CDS and PPM)

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 176 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Improving access to housing
Creating truly sustainable cities that do not exclude anyone
Supply shock on the part of private, public and cooperatives
Stability and confidence in the rental market
Demand support for vulnerable tenants
Support for the purchase of their first home by young people

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 36 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Reformulate housing taxation
Operationalize housing expansion programs in metropolitan areas
Strengthen supervision of the use of public housing
Simplify licensing processes
Facilitate the acquisition of permanent housing by young people

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 45 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Reversal of the "More Housing" program measures
Reduce costs
Increase supply
Regain confidence
Innovate and rethink

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]
UNITARY DEMOCRATIC COALITION (coalition of two parties: PCV and PEV)

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 61 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Expand the supply of public housing and housing at controlled costs
Promote renting and protect rented housing
Protect your own home
Put an end to the privileges granted by liberal housing policies

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 9 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Lower the price of houses, interest and rent
Combat real estate speculation
Increase housing supply
A tax reform to protect housing
Bring stability to the lease

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 119 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Support for families in need in paying rent and housing loan installments
Increased public investment in housing
Protection of cultural heritage
Environmental efficiency protection
Defending the values of inclusion and community spirit

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]

Complete Electoral Program available here (Note: the topic “Housing” is covered from page 70 onwards).
Main programmatic lines:
Protect and extend the right to housing
Support in emergencies
Regulate the value of urban property
Develop ecological models for housing

[Note: this is a summary table of some of the measures proposed for Housing, so it does not dispense with reading the complete program to fully understand the policies defended by the party or political coalition.]
Would you like to comment on some of the proposed measures? You can do so in comments to this article.
Would you like to exchange views on the most predictable impacts on the housing market, in specific, and the real estate sector in Portugal, in general? Then you can get in touch with me, as I will be happy to talk to you.
Marco Moura Marques
+351 967 035 966